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Dignified and meaningful employment
for people with disabilities

What People Say About Workshops

"We appreciate the success of the workshop in providing the types and variety of job contracts that are available for individuals to function at their level of ability. Cindy likes to know that she is doing a good job and is treated with respect in the work environment. As you know, she has had the experience of community employment for nine months and her performance was satisfactory on that assignment. she chose to return to work at the workshop. She prefers working in the environment which allows her to see her friends daily and to socialize during break times. We also want to recognize the level of job performance maintained by employees. Employees are trained to give attention to their work and to develop good employee work skills. This contributes to the development of the individual and the success of the workshop"
Cindy's mother

"The workshop provides an excellent facility for our daughter and other handicapped people to work and realize a sense of pride and accomplishment. The staff of the workshop do a great job in making all of this possible and are very caring people. We believe this type of facility and program is very important for a person such as our daughter. It provides her with a certain amount of dignity, in that she is doing something productive and earning some of her resources. The interaction with other persons in the workplace is also important to us and to our daughter."
anet's father

"Our daughter, Norma, has benefited in many ways from her work at the workshop. Norma has learned good work habits which have given her a deep sense of responsibility and reliability. Her self-esteem has been enhanced and deepened because she feels her work is significant. She has great dedication to her job and she takes much pride in her successes and accomplishments; not only does she love her work, Norma also has a genuine sense of camaraderie with her fellow workers and her staff who have always treated her with dignity and respect. We, her parents, are appreciative and grateful for the opportunities provided Norma and for the growth she has realized in taking advantage of those work experiences."
Norma's parents

"It's what he looks forward to, Monday through Friday, and when he's off on vacation, even though he likes to be off, he worries about things not getting done when he's not there."
Timothy's mother

"The job's very important to me because of the job I do each day."

MASWM The Missouri Association of Sheltered Workshop Managers
If you have questions, please contact:
President Tim Poepsel – (573) 503-0000 or
or Legislative Chair Kit Brewer – (314) 647-3300 or